Available Modules XLX204 Reflector

This Reflector serves National, regional and local QSO's and experiments. Prefered main language is Dutch.

With multiple AMBE3003 Vocoders multiple Modules can be simultaneously transcoded between D-Star and DMR / C4FM.

 i  Modules are NL XLXinterlinked ( amongst Reflectors XLX007 - XLX088 - XLX204 ).

Wires-X on XLX204 acts as an YSF Master, which provides 26 Wires-X rooms: 00001(=A) to 00026(=Z)

YSF and IMRS on fixed Module Y Module Y = Local onlyAMBE - also the default Wires-X entry room
XLX204 Wires-X Node Tx/Rx frequency is set to 434.412500 MHz

G3 Terminal Support for ICom-9700 and Icom Plus2 series on all Modules

All Modules A to Z are AMBE transcoded (6 simultaneous) D-Star ⇔ DMR/C4FM

Module Name DMR PrivateCall C4FM YSF reflector Wires-X room Comment
A Module A = Local onlyAMBE (6)4001 - 00001 No (zero) International XLXinterLink
B  i Module B = NL XLXinterLinkedAMBE Nederland (6)4002 - 00002 Dutch Language module
--- intended use - D-Star only ---
C Module C = Local onlyAMBE (6)4003 - 00003
D Module D = Local onlyAMBE DMR (6)4004 - 00004 Default module when connecting in DMR mode
--- intended use - DMR only ---
E Module E = Local onlyAMBE Experiment (6)4005 - 00005 Local XLX204 expiriments all modes
F Module F = Local onlyAMBE (6)4006 - 00006
G Module G = Local onlyAMBE G3 TerminalAP (6)4007 - 00007 Icom G3 Terminal Mode
(All XLX204 modules support G3 Terminal Mode)
H Module H = Local onlyAMBE (6)4008 - 00008
I Module I = Local onlyAMBE (6)4009 - 00009
J Module J = Local onlyAMBE (6)4010 - 00010
K Module K = Local onlyAMBE (6)4011 - 00011
L Module L = Local onlyAMBE (6)4012 - 00012
M Module M = Local onlyAMBE (6)4013 - 00013
N Module N = Local onlyAMBE NXDN ↔ (6)4014 - 00014 Link to NXDN reflector ..
O Module O = Local onlyAMBE (6)4015 - 00015
P Module P = Local onlyAMBE (6)4016 - 00016
Q Module Q = Local onlyAMBE (6)4017 - 00017
R Module R = Local onlyAMBE (6)4018 - 00018
S Module S = Local onlyAMBE (6)4019 - 00019
T  i Module T = NL XLXinterLinkedAMBE (6)4020 - 00020 Technical conversations
U Module U = Local onlyAMBE (6)4021 - 00021
V  i Module V = BE XLXinterLinkedAMBE PAØROBtest (6)4022 - 00022 Test module for Reflector development
W Module W = Local onlyAMBE Wires-X(C4FM) (6)4023 - 00023 Wires-X protocol experiments
X  i Module X = NL XLXinterLinkedAMBE MultiModeX (6)4024 - 00024 Multi Mode connected to Y-SF Reflector, FreeDMR and BrandMeister TG
Y Module Y = Local onlyAMBE YSF(C4FM) (6)4025 - 00025 YSF mode. Default module when connecting XLX204 in C4FM (YSF/Wires-X) mode
Z  i Module Z = NL XLXinterLinkedAMBE Parrot (6)4026 - 00026 Parrot (public Echo) Multi Mode audio test