Status XLX204 / NLX204 dashboard links

Get to other NLX204 Reflector dashboards - use the links on this page - or (Components Overview)

Wires-X on XLX204 acts as an YSF Master, which provides 26 Wires-X rooms: 00001(=A) to 00026(=Z)

YSF and IMRS on fixed Module Y Module Y = Local onlyAMBE - also the default Wires-X entry room
XLX204 Wires-X Node Tx/Rx frequency is set to 434.412500 MHz

G3 Terminal Support for ICom-9700 and Icom Plus2 series on all Modules

All Modules A to Z are AMBE transcoded (6 simultaneous) D-Star ⇔ DMR/C4FM

Named Modules XLX204 AMBE bridge ⇒ YSF Reflector bridge ⇒ bridge ⇒ to mode
Name D-Star DMR YSF WiresX to XLX204 C4FM YSF⇔DMR DMR YSF⇔... NXDN | P25
Nederland B  i Module B = NL XLXinterLinkedAMBE (6)4002 B - 00002 B - - - - - -
DMR D Module D = Local onlyAMBE (6)4004 D - 00004 D - - - - - -
Experiment E Module E = Local onlyAMBE (6)4005 E - 00005 E - - - - - -
G3 TerminalAP G Module G = Local onlyAMBE (6)4007 G - 00007 G - - - - - -
NXDN ↔ N Module N = Local onlyAMBE (6)4014 N - 00014 N XLXDMR⇐[ON*]⇒YSF NL XLX204NXDN [ON*] YSF⇐[off*]⇒DMR
noneBM DMR
YSF⇐[off*]⇒NXDN NXDNGateway [off*] todo
PAØROBtest V  i Module V = BE XLXinterLinkedAMBE (6)4022 V - 00022 V XLXDMR⇐[ON*]⇒YSF NL PAØROB [ON*] YSF⇐[off*]⇒DMR
FD 204022FreeDMR
BM 204022BM DMR
- -
Wires-X(C4FM) W Module W = Local onlyAMBE (6)4023 W - 00023 W - - - - - -
MultiModeX X  i Module X = NL XLXinterLinkedAMBE (6)4024 X - 00024 X DMRXLX⇐[ON*]⇒YSF NL MM204X [ON*] YSF⇐[ON*]⇒DMR
FD 204024FreeDMR
BM 204024BM DMR
- -
YSF(C4FM) Y Module Y = Local onlyAMBE (6)4025 Y - 00025 Y DMRXLX⇐[ON*]⇒YSF NL XLX204Y [ON*] - - - -
Parrot Z  i Module Z = NL XLXinterLinkedAMBE (6)4026 Z - 00026 Z DMRXLX⇐[ON*]⇒YSF
NL Parrot204Z [ON*]
 [YSF] Parrot [ON*]
FD 204026FreeDMR
noneBM DMR
- -

Some [ON*] services can be start/stopped - Your IP will be logged
(Only Administrators are allowed to execute this function)

XLX204 reflector XLX204 AMBE Vocoders XLXinterLinks  i 
[ON] [ON*] [XLX007{BTXZ}[XLX088{BTXZ}----

Additional (PA0ROB) test stuff

SharkRF IP ConnectorCrossModuleDummyModBridge XLX⇔YSFYSF ReflectorBridge YSF⇔DMRBridge YSF⇔DMR
SRF204/PAØROB [off*] [off*] [off*]XLX204 V [ON*]NL PAØROB [ON*]FD 204022 [off*]BM 204022 [off*]

XLX204 Configuration

[ Filename: /usr/local/etc/xlxd.interlink ]
# XLXD interlink file XLX204
# one line per entry
# each entry specifies a remote XLX or XRF to peer with
# format:
# example:
# XLX270 ACD
# XRF270 BB
# note: the remote XLX must list this XLX in its interlink file
# for the link to be established
#BM2041 O
XLX210 V
[ Filename: /usr/local/etc/xlxd.terminal ]
# XLXD terminal option file
# one line per entry
# each entry specifies a terminal option
# Valid option:
# address - Ip address to be used by the terminal route responder
# By default, the request destination address is used.
# If the system is behind a router, set it to the public IP
# If the system runs on the public IP, leave unset.
# modules - a string with all modules to accept a terminal connection
# Default value is "*", meaning accept all
[ Filename: /usr/local/etc/xlxd.whitelist ]
# XLXD whitelist file XLX204
# one line per entry
# each entry is explicitely authorised (whitelisted)
# you can use * as last wildcard character
# example:
# * -> authorize eveybody
# LX* -> authorize all callsign starting with LX
# LX3JL -> authorize LX3JL exactly
[ Filename: /usr/local/etc/xlxd.blacklist ]
# XLXD blacklist file XLX204
# one line per entry
# each entry is explicitely denied access (blacklisted)
# you can use * as last wildcard character
# example:
# * -> deny access to eveybody !!!
# LX* -> deny access to all callsign starting with LX
# LX3JL -> deny access to LX3JL exactly